About us
Flores Verdes is a rose growing farm that produces and exports fresh cut roses.
Our entire operation is designed to guarantee the highest quality roses grown under environmentally conscious practices. We produce our roses in the traditional way (soil) and also in hydroponic (coconut peat).
Our location in the middle of the world plus 12 hours of permanent day light give our roses the ideal conditions to offer our customers
We are permanently introducing new varieties to offer our selected customers. Nowadays, we grow more than 70 premium varieties of roses, some of them exclusive & many others extremely rare.
Flores Verdes employs over 200 highly specialized workers.
Our team is trained and ready to produce a high quality product for our appreciated customers.
It’s our main concern to provide an adecuate working environment where each individual can grow, learn and develop his best through meaningful and challenging activities.
FLORES VERDES, is a company dedicated to the production and export of roses, within the framework of the Constitution and the laws applicable to this sector; taking care of its staff, users and the environment through the practice of current standards of Safety and Health at Work.
Being an Institution with a vision of service; considers that Occupational Health and Safety are fundamental aspects that make it possible to meet its objectives and therefore:
FLORES VERDES, committed to producing the highest quality roses, our safety policy involves adhering to and working with BASC (Business Alliance for Secure Commerce) standards to prevent any criminal activity during our production, post-harvest, packaging, and transportation processes, ensuring the integrity of our products in the market.
Additionally, we commit to upholding the following commitments:
FLORES VERDES establishes its firm commitment to creating a healthy, safe and adequate work environment for all employees, therefore, it promotes a work environment of zero tolerance for situations of discrimination, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, as well as verbal conduct or threatening, intimidating, abusive or harassing physical acts that may cause the victim some type of physical or psychological harm. Therefore, the following points are established:
FlorEcuador® is a socio-environmental scope certification program, whose main objectives are:
Fair Trade certification seeks to help ensure that producers and workers receive fair prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment, and obtain community development funds to improve their lives.
FLOR VERDE SUSTAINABLE FLOWERS is an independent social and environmental standard for the flower sector that is supported by a strong team of agronomists, social workers and other professionals. FLOR VERDE Encourages the development, promotion and implementation of codes of responsible conduct, standards and sustainable agricultural practices.
Las buenas prácticas agrícolas (BPA) are a set of principles, standards and technical recommendations applied to production, processing and transportation, aimed at ensuring the protection of hygiene, human health and the environment, through ecologically safe, hygienically acceptable and economically feasible methods.
Business Alliance for Secure Commerce – BASC is a certification program that promotes and supports the strengthening of security standards in the foreign trade logistics chain; aims to manage the risks related to illicit activities in companies throughout the entire supply chain, including: money laundering, drug trafficking, smuggling, information theft, terrorism; Thanks to the implementation of the BASC Control and Security Management System, SGCS, the company will be able to identify critical areas and processes that lead to secure commerce.